Bread of Life

When you think of good times in your life, how many of them were around a meal?

We know eating together is important for good relationships. This Lent, join us for dinner church, when we do good church at a good meal.

This is intentionally an all-ages meal.

Families are encouraged to come if they want to learn about Holy Communion, share a meal and prayer with friends, or renew and refresh family spiritual practices.

Have a family of one? or a family without kids? Have an unconventional family? Yeah, us too. Bring ‘em. This table, like Christ’s table, is for every kind of person and every kind of family.

Bread of Life is for any family who:

  • wishes their child (any age) to have instruction prior to receiving their first communion.
  • whose child is currently preparing for confirmation.
  • has a youth who is planning to go on the mission trip this summer and needs to fulfill their fundraising or service requirements.
  • wants to share their favorite soup with 8 other people.
  • wants to make meaningful relationships in the community.

Join us Wednesdays at 5:30pm (for about an hour)

March 12 - April 9th

Sign up to bring food / volunteer


after school


Sign up to Volunteer

Learning, snack, music and games! WASP begins on Wednesdays a week after school begins and meets 3:00-5:00. For children Kindergarten through 6th Grade. Transportation from CE Jacobson Elementary can be provided. 

WASP happens September 11 - April 30

WASP is run on volunteer power.

Who do we need? 2 or more adults each Wednesday

When? Wednesday’s after school from 3-4:45 from now until 4/30/25

What do I do? Hand out a snack, have fellowship with kids- read a story, do a craft, play a game, share your faith, build relationships, and have fun.

What’s provided? We will have activity kits ready for you (kits include a story, craft, andgame ideas). If you would like to share your talent, skills, hobbies with the WASP kids they would love that, too!

Are there any perks? We’ll feed you supper at 5… you might here some terrible jokes and fantastic stories, too.

How can I sign up? Click the google link or contact Pastor Manda or Annette

How often can I help out? As often as you want!

Sunday School

Christian education for all K-5th graders begins with worship at 9:00 in the sanctuary. They are dismissed for class at 9:15 and then return to worship to participate in communion with their families.

Sunday school happens every Sunday until April 30th.


Faith Formation for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders begins on Wednesdays a week after school begins and meets in the  evening.

Begins with a Family Meal at 5:00, followed by class from 5:30-6:30.

Affirmation of Baptism for 8th graders is on Reformation Sunday. 

Youth Mission Trip

Each summer, the youth of First Lutheran and some dedicated adults join with YouthWorks to serve God's people in an unfamiliar place. This summer we’re going to Indianapolis, Indiana! If you are participating in one of our fundraisers or want to support our mission trip, click the button below.


We have plans for the summer. Do you?

Vacation Bible School

An annual get-together for our Pre-K through 6th Grade children, usually Sunday-Thursday evenings.

We are looking for a VBS coordinator for 2025. If interested, contact us.

Luther Point Bible Camp

We are a member congregation of Luther Point and they have all kinds of summer programs for kids, youth and families. They even have jobs for youth! Click here to learn more.

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