The choir enjoys singing anthems and leading us in worship about once a month.
They meet on Wednesdays from 6:30pm - 7:30pm in September - May.
Bell Choir
The Bell Choir meets weekly September-May on Wednesdays from 7:30-8:30 This is a great way to learn and make music with your hands! Click the button to learn more or join in.
Praise Band
These singers and instrumentalists lead our singing and prayers twice a month in worship. Rehearsals are usually held the Saturday morning prior to leading on Sunday. Click the button to learn more or join in.
Women of the ELCA
“As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.”
The FELC chapter of WELCA engages in all kinds of activities in the congregation and community. Quilting, Ruth Circle, fellowship events, fundraisers, & more. For more information, check out our calendar or click the button below.
The gift of using our hands
People of our congregation gather every Wednesday morning from 9am - 12pm to quilt. The quilts they make are shared all over the world. Some are received by graduating seniors and some quilts go across the world with Lutheran World Relief.
On the first Thursday of every month at 1pm, knitters and crocheters gather to make and pray over shawls. These shawls find their way into the laps and on the shoulders of people in need of comfot and prayer.
At home and in other places crafters and makers use their skills to make furniture, slippers, gifts, art and other things that are given as gits at milestones in people's lives. Together we support one another in the making and gifting of these items.
To join in any of our crafting and making check out our calendar for upcoming events and opportunities or contact our church office to connect.
Adult Bible Study
The second Wednesday of every month, adults gather for Bible study at the church. This is a chance for us to learn something about the historical and literary context of our scripture. It is also a chance for us to share the meaning and impact of scripture on our lives. Check out our calendar to join us for the next Wednesday Bible Study.
Ruth Circle hosts a women's Bible study on the first Thursday of each month at 9am. Join us for an exploration of scripture in our lives.
First Lutheran Cemetery
On the eastern side of Rush City lies First Evangelical Lutheran Church's cemetery. We are grateful for the ability to provide a home for the saints who have gone ahead of us into the everlasting light of God. If you are interested in the services of our cemetary, please click the button below.
1000 South Jay Avenue
Rush City, MN 55069-0073